Before reviewing the following suggestions, understand that not all of them apply to everyone with cancer. Nor are they easy to accomplish. They are listed here because we want you to know what methods are available so you can choose what is best for you in your own unique circumstances.
Also keep in mind that although the main purpose of each suggestion is to try to direct the course of your illness toward health by strengthening your general resistance (immune system), our experience is that a most important benefit to the people who use these suggestions is an improvement in the quality of their lives. And that's reason enough to give them serious consideration.
1. Make plans for the future.
People don't plan for the future if they believe they have no future. If you are not making plans you may be unconsciously giving up. So you may find it helpful to come up with a list of short-term goals and long-range plans. Making plans in itself is a pleasant and positive experience. Why not enjoy yourself while giving yourself hope for the future?
2. Fight unwanted aloneness.
This is easier said than done. People with cancer know that many of their friends and family act differently toward them after the diagnosis. If you find yourself in this situation, then communicate, communicate, communicate. Tell your friends and family what you want and expect of them. When this is discussed openly,